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baltimore, certification, chocolate, coffee, expo east, fair trade, farmer, global, label, natural products, natural products expo, organic, sustainable, trade, trade labels, vegan, world -

We were happy to explore the Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore this past weekend and are excitedly working on posts that feature some of the awesome products we discovered during our tour. We are happy to announce we will soon be carrying lots of new products and some products EXCLUSIVELY sold by us, green.  Now, for the main information. We try to source as much fair trade inventory as possible, but do you know exactly what the "fair trade label" means?  According to the World Fair Trade Organization,  "Fair Trade is a trading partnership... that seeks greater equity in...

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better choices, biodegradable, eco-friendly, environment, lunch, plastic, products, reusable, reusable products, school, school lunch -

We all know the environment is in crisis. We all must do our part and step up to the plate by making better choices. One way to help is by buying products that are biodegradable and reusable products that replace disposable items.  If you are still using disposable plastic bags and plastic cling wrap, that adds up to a lot of waste each month. There are so many different options these days to switch to, such as these Etee Vegan Food Wraps, which are just like cling wrap, but can be used dozens of times, then are biodegradable when they are...

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cruelty, cruelty free brands, cruelty-free, environment, ingredients, make up, more natural ingredients, natural, products, safer, simpler ingredients, toxin -

I shopped cruelty-free because I didn't want to contribute to the unnecessary torture of animals. Not only are mice and rats tested on in labs, but so are lots of other types of animals such as bunnies, dogs, primates, and others.. The more I researched, the more I started to realize the other benefits of cruelty-free products, and some surprised me!

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cleaning products, climate change, eco, eco-friendly, environment, plant based, vegan -

Learn more about the many dangers of climate change and find out how you can help prevent them from happening by simply switching to green, plant-based cleaning products for your home.

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cabbage, cole slaw, healthy, healthy cole slaw recipe, plant based, recipe, summer, vegan, vegan cole slaw, vitamin -

Do you like cole slaw? It's a great summer food because it's cool, pretty easy to prepare, and healthy... Or is it? Once we add all those salts and oils and make a soupy cabbage concoction we call cole slaw, have we flooded out most of the health benefits? There are so many varieties of cabbage, and all of them are packed with nutrients such as fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, manganese, vitamin B6, and other nutrients as well. Of course, it's low in fat and has zero cholesterol. On its own, it's pretty beneficial, right? What if we add mayonnaise to...

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